All the Night Gone_Final Cover_Stonehouse Publishing.jpg

A tragic accident, and two brothers are left to cope.

Ben reads, obsesses. Charlie struggles between silence and anger. Unable to talk about what happened, a tension begins to build, pushing them apart.

Then Dill arrives. Carrying only a baseball bat and a small duffel bag with a broken zipper, she glides into their lives imperceptibly, raising more questions than answers. They start to become a kind of family. Almost. When she suddenly disappears, what else can Ben and Charlie do but get into their dusty truck and go search for her?

Release date: November 1st 2020

ISBN 978-1-988754-28-4 | Stonehouse Publishing
84 pages | Paperback
Ebook: Kobo; Kindle
Available through independent bookstores. (Please support your local bookstores.)


All the Night Gone is a stunning debut from a talented young writer who shows a sophistication and mastery of language beyond her years.”

— Silvia Pikal, co-founder of New Forum literary magazine

“While cliché amongst reviews, it is not an exaggeration to say I loved this novel.”

— Ryan Stromquist, FreeFall Magazine